I`m led to elaborate on the driving force behind the need to protect ourselves from feeling vulnerable. Most, if not all of us have been taught from early childhood not to be vulnerable. Subsequently, we`ve each learned our own ways of holding back, remaining silent, choosing not to develop trust, etc... That said, the question, then, becomes "what`s wrong with protecting ourselves from feeling vulnerable?" Why would I say always playing it safe is a coward`s game? What`s wrong with ALWAYS playing it safe?
Make no mistake, I`m fully aware of how we like to feel in control of situations, and how we like to feel secure at all times. Oh yes, vulnerability can get in the way of needing to feel in control and safe. But God would not have us ignorant! Know this: The evil one knows that as long as we associate vulnerability with weakness, we will wrongly think that to be vulnerable is to give up strength. I pray you get this in your spirit: The moment, NO, the second we attempt not to be vulnerable we instantaneously are motivated by fear.
Let`s go deeper. Never, forget this; behind every power is a source. The power of vulnerability is underrated 4real 4real! You see, feeling vulnerable is not the weaker position. The key is to strike the proper balance by allowing yourself to be vulnerable in ways that are appropriate to the situation. How? the answer brings us to Ephesians 5:11. You see, if the decision you`re contemplating will eliminate feeling vulnerable and make you feel safe, BUT, if it is unhealthy, non-productive, or unfruitful, it still equates to the principle of death! If you`re STILL leaning towards backing off, then fear is the power trying to persuade or push you or keep you stuck or trapped!
Instead, you should embrace feeling vulnerable if the decision you`re thinking about is healthy, productive and fruitful since it equates to the principle of life. Knowing that God has not given you the spirit of fear, (2 Tim. 1:7) you now know what the power source leading you to chose unfruitfulness is : DARKNESS. It`s impossible to maintain fellowship with something or someone that`s unfruitful and actually produce fruit. I can`t overemphasize this truth. let me be clear; unfruitful works of darkness applies in relationships.
If you are fearful of exposing parts of your personality that your partner may not accept, or keeping a distance makes you feel safe, or when remaining silent is done out of thinking your partner will abandon or betray you, then you are avoiding vulnerability. Although you are building a wall you`re not really protecting yourself, instead, you are entrapping your authentic self. You see, someone who can reveal their weaknesses appropriately in a relationship accepts and embraces the reality of their vulnerability, in turn, is truly stronger that someone who avoids vulnerability.
This is true, because we all have weaknesses, and I repeat, to be vulnerable does not equate to giving up strength. Meaningful connections can only be made by opening yourself up, being vulnerable and revealing your authentic self. Sure, you can`t do this with everyone, but to love, 4real is to be vulnerable. To reprove unfruitful works of darkness means to expose them. I humbly pray, in Jesus name that some things have been exposed in this lesson. God bless.